Hatton National Bank has always taken its role as a responsible corporate citizen seriously and has invested considerably for this cause. In incorporating environmental policies into lending, customer and supplier assessment the Bank influences its suppliers and customers to engage in activities that are eco friendly. All HNB employees too have committed to a “Green Pledge” to engage in eco friendly activities.
Rajendra Theagarajah, Managing Director and CEO in a statement said, “Considering that in one year, an average tree inhales 12 kilograms of carbon dioxide and exhales enough oxygen for a family of four for a year, we decided to commemorate World Environment Day in 2011 by engaging in tree planting initiatives. Further, from last year we have been very conscious about the amount of paper that is being used at the Bank and have been engaged in many tree-planting initiatives. We intend to plant nearly 18,300 trees throughout the country through this activity this year.”
The programme will be implemented with the assistance of the HNB staff, customers and school children. The Bank will be donating a sapling to each staff, selected customers and 10 saplings each to the 330 schools where the Bank has implemented various CSR programmes such as libraries and computer centres as well as the schools where the Bank has established student savings units.