Ilham Sanoon’s fine line art exhibition was held at the Blacklit Galleria on Lauries Lane in Bambalapitiya. It was an exhibit of a unique collection of innovative, pen-on-paper artistry.
The detailed pigment ink drawings of utmost detail comprised abstract designs, geometric patterns, magnificent icons and complex forms of nature. A tangle of thoughts and tales portrayed through an unlikely array of the finest line art.
“I am an artist by accident” is how the self-taught Sanoon described himself. Hailing from a family of industrialists firmly rooted in the world of information technology, he had stumbled upon his creative skill while doodling with a gel pen during moments of idleness. Revelling in his talent and the peace that it brought him, Sanoon honed his skill, becoming the creator of the masterworks that were exhibited.
“I kept drawing whatever that came to mind. I didn’t stop; just let it flow,” Ilham Sanoon expressed eagerly. “I found this passion out of nowhere. And I don’t want to give this up at any cost. I am really enjoying it and it brings a lot of peace.”
Sanoon mostly worked with isograph technical drawing pens. Key to obtaining the breadth and shading is the gauge of the pigment ink pens which may range from 3mm to 0.18mm. Some of the more intricate drawings, with some lines that were finer than human hair, required the use of magnifying glasses.
The Blacklit Galleria was opened together with Sanoon’s family and friends in 2013 with just 25 paintings. After three successful solo exhibitions, the collection has grown to over 100 paintings. Set against the white walls, the paintings transport one to a mystical world of black and white.