Cinnamon City Hotels were awarded an A+ grade at the City Food Safety High Achievers Awards Ceremony. The award was presented by Basil Rajapaksa, Minister of Economic Development under criteria based on the management’s commitment, continuous improvement of process development, infrastructure and working environment, cleanliness, food preparation, storage and display, personal hygiene and use of clean water and raw materials amongst others.
The credit of this achievement can be accounted to the training provided to 35 food handlers of Cinnamon Lakeside. The 35 food handlers were awarded with certificates and certified food handler ID cards following the training.
In his speech the Chief Medical Officer of Colombo, Pradeep Kariyawasam stated that the Public Health Department has made vast progress in many areas made possible due to the work carried out by the laboratory facilities of the Colombo Municipal Council and hoteliers understanding the importance of the maintenance of hygiene.