(The Honourable Minister of Tourism)
Sri Lanka– the name conjures up images of the exotic East, sun-kissed beaches, emerald seas and a warm, hospitable people. This island for the last few years has been enmeshed in internal strife which has hampered, among other areas, tourism as well. With the appointment of a new Cabinet, we now have Mr. A.M.S.Adikari, M.P., as the Honourable Minister of Tourism.

“At this point, I feel, the most essential thing for the revival of the tourist industry is to counteract the negative and adverse publicity that we have been receiving in the international press for the last few years. To build up the image of our country in the context of safety for tourists is of prime importance,” Mr. Adikari said in an interview With S. Wadhwa of EXPLORE SRI lANKA. The Government of Sri Lanka recognizes the importance of building up the image of the country as a safe tourist destination before any promotions can J?e carried out. The problems are concentrated in the North and North-east provinces and in the deep South. However, as the dateline of press reports is from Colombo, the problems seem to be existing in other parts of the country as well. It is important for journalists to allay the fears of potential tourists and build up a positive image of Sri Lanka. All Sri Lankan embassies and trade commissions abroad will be issued directives for the expeditious clearance of tourist arrivals. The country, though not yet rid of terrorism, is as safe as any other country in so far as tourists are concerned, according to the Honourable Minister.
Since the inflow of foreign tourists is only for six months during the year, it is envisaged that the development of Trincomalee, Nilaweli down South and Negombo for local tourists to travel inexpensively in their own country will be given emphasis. The Tourist Board is formulating plans along new lines for the movement of local traffic. Statistics are being collected and feasibility studies will be carried out to implement these plans already submitted by the Tourist Board. ‘The outlook for the growth of tourism is very encouraging, and I am confident that within the next three to four month we will be able to build up a positive image abroad which will bring back tourists in great number to the shores of Sri Lanka,” stated Mr. Adikari. Being new in his position, the Honourable Minister will no doubt bring a fresh approach to achieving the goal of increased tourist arrivals. We wish the Honourable Minister all success on his recent appointment and trust that under his leadership the new plans formulated will be implemented and tourism in Sri Lanka will be returned to its prominent place as a foreign exchange earner that it earlier enjoyed.