Pecha Kucha Colombo will be an event for emerging local talent to meet, network, and show their work in public. Devised in Tokyo in 2003, it has turned into a massive celebration, with events happening in hundreds of cities around the world, inspiring creative people worldwide. Drawing its name from the Japanese term for the sound of “chit chat”, it rests on a presentation format that is based on a simple idea: 20 images x 20 seconds. Pecha Kucha is patented by Klein Dytham Architecture, Tokyo.
With three such events planned in Sri Lanka, Pecha Kucha Colombo is a non-profit initiative and all proceeds of the first event will be donated to ACT Sri Lanka, towards rehabilitation in the North and East of Sri Lanka.
Each event will attract over 1,000 attendees who will watch eight presenters showcasing their work and will go beyond the norms of past events, which have been held in Colombo. The atmosphere will be urban, chic, and chilled out. The event is open to people from all industries who have an interest in creativity of all forms.
The presenters at the event will include young designers, photographers and artists working with mediums. Attendees of this event experience the opportunity of interacting with both established and emerging people from Sri Lanka’s creative industries. The first of its kind to be held in Sri Lanka, Pecha Kucha Colombo will take the stage on July 23, 2011 at the Warehouse Project, Colombo 10.