In commemoration of the ‘world telecommunication and information society day’, Sri Lanka Telecom announced the soft launch of VDSL2 (Very-High-Bit-Rate Digital Subscriber Line Two) advanced fixed broadband technology, which offers customers speeds of up to 100Mbps.
The innovative new advancement was demonstrated to Ranjith Siyambalapitiya, Minister of Telecommunication and Information Technology in the presence of Lalith De Silva, Group CEO – SLT and other senior officials. The demonstrations were held at the SLT regional office in Kegalle and data speeds over 90Mbps were recorded.
Speaking at the event held for the demonstrations, Lalith De Silva said, “the launch of VDSL2 advanced fixed broadband technology at SLT means a boost in broadband speeds of up to 100Mbps. These near-fibre optic level speeds are unmatched to any other broadband service in the country. This is certainly a welcome upgrade in our stride, considering that the Global Networked Readiness Index (NRI) ranks Sri Lanka only behind India in the SAARC region. A recent ITU report also refers to Sri Lanka as having a ‘very dynamic broadband market’. Global mentions such as these are quite significant and are signs that we are surely working towards bridging the digital divide in the country.”