Royal Candle Makers will introduce a range of Christmas themed candles specially for the festive season. The different shaped candles come in a range of scents including, Mistletoe, Cinnamon and Clove, Midwinter, White Christmas, Spiced Fig and Mince Pie. Room Scenter, Small Pillar, Large Pillar, Cube Candle, Glass Jar, Scented Tealights and Floating Candles are the different shapes included in the collection.
Moreover, candles are manufactured for the British Royal Household and Christian Churches around the British Isles through Charles Farris and Price’s UK, which was endowed with the Royal Patronage of the present Queen and Queen Mother of Great Britain. The extensive product range includes Dinner candles, Scented and Unscented Pillars, Cubes, Tealights, Votives, Room Scenters, Floating Candles, Insect Repellant and Ornamental Candles.