In 1987 Sri Ishwara Sarma was invited to visit and stay in Australia by some of the people he had encountered in the course of his spiritual work.
There he developed a devoted following and earned himself a praiseworthy reputation among a growing group of seekers wishing to enrich the quality of their lives.
Recounts one of his students : ” I was feeling spiritually empty and lacking a direction in life. Sri Ishwara invited me to join him in the morning puja. ‘Just come and sit,’ he said. Well I did and from that moment on I experienced an ever growing love and peace within. “
Another had this to say about Sri Ishwara : ” I was most impressed by his gentle demeanour and his expressed wholehearted dedication. “
A further accolade from someone eise whose life he deeply affected : ” I thoroughly recommend him to anyone who is in any way wishing to bring joy and love into their lives in a stronger, more illuminating way.
This is but a small sampling of the sincere comments made by those Sri Ishwara came into contact with during his sojourn “Down Under”.
So just who is Sri Ishwara Sarma and what is it about him that makes him so special to those he meets and works with?
Sri lshwara hails from Jaffna, from a devout Brahmin family with a profoundly religious upbringing. He is also a graduate in Eastern Classical Studies from the University of London, and spent almost 11 years in the Public Service of the Sri I.ankan Government before retiring to dedicate himself to helping others. He is himself a devotee of Bagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba and an erudite student of the “Sanathana Dharma “, the teachings of which he now imparts to others desirous of achieving a better understanding of themselves! Yes and broadening their outlook on life.
According to Sri Ishwara, his goal is to offer guidance and assistance to his fellow human beings on how to attain a fuller realization of themselves, their relationships and the resolution of their difficulties through prayer and meditation. To this end, Sri Ishwara has established the “Sri I.alitha Centre for Truth Peace Love.
The Centre is located in • residence, where every morning in his shrine room he performs his daily devotions from 5.00 co r a.m. Anyone is welcome to join him in silent prayer. but it is advisable to call first at 584999 due co the limited space. Sri Ishwara also offers counselling and holds discussions and lectures by appointment. He believes that it is through meditation and prayer that the individual can gain harmony and peace in life. His counselling sessions are conducted both privately and in groups and last for between 45 minutes and one hour, depending on the needs of the participants.
Sri Ishwara is a fervent adherent to the philosophy that “We can always have peace of mind when we practise the quality of forgiveness.