Enliven is the newest Health and Beauty Care brand to hit the shelves in Sri Lanka. Made in England and available in over 60 countries, this refreshingly new lifestyle brand features shampoo, conditioner, shower gel, hand wash, gel, deodorant and body lotion. Enliven is available in six ranges: Fruit Extract, Pro-Vitamin, Skin Care, Men’s, Luxury and Travel.
Enliven was launched with a series of events around the city of Colombo. The Enliven Scream Booth, modeled in the fashion of a British telephone booth was set up at Crescat Boulevard, World Trade Centre and the Nawam Mawatha Car Park and visitors were encouraged to get inside and scream out whatever they wanted. The screams were then uploaded to the Enliven Facebook page and the 100 most “liked” screamers were invited to an exclusive Enliven party at Club Mojo.
The next phase in the launch of Enliven was the Enliven Station. Set up at the Crescat lobby, this revolutionary concept saw the use of Social Currency for the first time in Sri Lanka.
Enliven products were sold – not for cash – but for “likes”, “tweets” and “check-ins” on Facebook, Twitter and Foursquare respectively. The concept was a resounding success with over 800 people visiting the station in four days and purchasing Enliven products for social currency.