Here I was precariously perched contemplating my next move while a friendly canine tailed me. The bubbling stream, it seemed, was urging me to pay homage to the beauty around. Agreeably, I abandoned my little conquest and eased down on the rock – stepping stones, it appears, requires one to be foolhardy and less thoughtful. A little way upstream Algama Falls lay in wait, but for now, the surrounding environs needed my attention.
Words Prasadini Nanayakkara | Photographs Mahesh Prasantha
Reached by Algama Road, from the Haggala Junction, towards Udawaka, the waterfall is situated in the Kegalle District. A turn off from the main road, the falls can be approached by vehicle only to a certain extent. From the precinct’s car park, a short footpath leads down to the stream that meanders surreptitiously amidst the wilderness. From here was a trek upstream to reach the fall. The trek, a little arduous however held a charm in that the many intermittent rocks offered ‘pit stops’ to rest, and soak protesting feet in the chilly water. The cool tranquillity of the surroundings bestows an effective antidote to fatigue.
As I lazily gazed around from the dainty creepers that hung from above, to the hypnotic flow of the water, boisterous splashes in the distance stirred my curiosity and urged me to resume the trek. Gaining momentum across the rocks, it seemed as though the stones had been placed strategically as there was never a step too far or unreachable. My four-legged friend however, accustomed to the many visitors here and who would have probably spared him a tasty tidbit, was close at my ankles and I was in danger of being careened off course.
In the distance appeared youngsters poised on rocks only to disappear from view as they plunged into the waters below. It was no wonder that they were so inclined as when I reached the small summit an inviting pool of water stretched ahead to a point met by the foot of the waterfall. Beyond cascaded a section of the Algama Falls. Modest in size from a distance it seemed to have squeezed itself in a crevice. The natural pool reflected its surroundings inheriting a deep green surface disrupted by the divers and their acrobatics. From here however a proper view of the main waterfall could not be had, as it was not accessible and was further obstructed by the many rocks and overgrowth of greenery.
Together, the pool, the narrow white cascade and the overwhelming greenery around were picture perfect to the eye. I decided to be forgetful of the time – after all what are perfect getaways for.
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