Aviraté has launched its expansion programme overseas extending itself to India, based on the favourable response that they received from the Indian market following the opening of their first flagship store in Bangalore and at the Phoenix Market City. It is also expanding in Sri Lanka having opened a new store in the Crescat Boulevard in October, targeting the foreign tourist clientele.
Aviraté opened up new stores in cities such as Goa, Pune, Delhi, Chennai, Chandighar in some of the leading shopping malls in India.
Speaking at the launch, Asim Younoos, CEO – Aviraté said that they are also looking at some of the most popular online portals in India such as myntra.com, jabong.com, highstreetlabels.com and ziwami.com where one could pay cash on delivery instead of using credit cards online. “The Indian market has a lot of potential and we as a Sri Lankan brand have a chance of tapping into it, making a big name in the Indian market itself,” he said.
Commenting upon the expansion, Arshad Sattar, Managing Director – Timex said, “at the end of this year, we will probably have seven stores in India. We could reach a turnover of ten million dollars in the next financial year for Aviraté India and for Sri Lanka, it would be about three or five million dollars in sales in the 2013 accounting year.
Timex is proud to have Aviraté as a Sri Lankan brand with international brands like Mango and other famous brands coming in.” He also mentioned A Dress, a clothing brand designed exclusively for British Home Stores, UK which is currently running on its second season.
In addition to revealing their expansion plans, Aviraté also launched their low fat frozen yogurt at the Aviraté café which comes in six different flavours.
Aviraté plans next to get into Multi Brand Outlets and is currently looking at Dubai, Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysian markets.
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