An alms giving ceremony was held at the Siri Alanmathiniyarama Temple in Kirulapone under the direction of Ven Uduwe Dhammaloka Thero to mark the opening of the newly constructed buildings at the Temple. President Gotabaya Rajapaksa and Madam Ioma Rajapaksa participated on this special occasion.
The alms giving and religious ceremonies were held to commemorate the newly constructed Alms Hall, Gini Hal Geya, Awasa Mandhiraya and Sakman Mediation Garden at the Siri Alanmathiniyarama Temple. President Gotayaba Rajapaksa upon arrival engaged in religious observances and thereafter participated in the alms giving ceremony and served alms to the Maha Sangha.
Basil Rajapaksa, Head of the Task Force on Economic Revival and Poverty Eradication, and Mrs Pushpa Rajapaksa were also present on this occasion. Minister Sarath Weerasekera, Nalin Fernando, MP and Defence Secretary General (Retd) Kamal Gunaratne were also some of the invitees.
The religious ceremony was held to bless Ven Uduwe Dhammaloka Thero and his Mother for their birthdays as well.
The alms giving ceremony was held under the patronage of Anunayake Theros of Malwathu Chapter Most Ven Dimbulkumbure Wimaladhamma Thero, Most Ven Dr Niyangoda Vijitha Siri Thero, Anunayake of the Asgiriya Chapter Most Ven Veduruwe Upali Thero and Anunayake of the Amarapura Culawansika Maha Nikaya, Chief Incumbent of the Siri Alanmathiniyaramaya Temple in Kirulapone Ven Yogiyane Sobitha Thero.
Most Ven Dimbulkumbure Wimaladhamma Thero, Anunayake of the Malwathu Chapter presented a souvenir to the President.