Kandyan Art Association Treasure House of Dying Art
Lasanda Kurukulasooriya Has it ever struck you that there may be places of interest to the traveller that many a ...
Lasanda Kurukulasooriya Has it ever struck you that there may be places of interest to the traveller that many a ...
I wonder what the winners buy - One half as precious as the stuff they sell'. One wonders too, with ...
Pinnawela is a quiet little village in typical countryside lying by the side of the river Maha Oya which never ...
Theja Weeratne From the svelte mannequin on the catwalk, to the buxom country wench in the village, Batiks are very ...
Sri Lanka has had a centuries-old reputation as the source of some of the finest gems in the world. In ...
The Travel Bug Mr. john de Saram, Manager International Airport. Katunayake. (Left) Hostesses greeting passengers on arrival with copies of ...
D F Shopper Shopping for perfumes and cosmetics at the Orient's Duty Free Shop at the International Airport. A classic ...
Vilma Wimaladasa There is a wide range of the best names in cosmetics and won1en's wear at Fairline. Fairline Emporium, ...
Shirani Rajapakse Do you by any chance happen to be a sports fan? Better still a water sports fan. If ...
Lt. Col K. M. S. Perera For the convenience and pleasurable shopping of the estimated one point two million passengers ...