Minister of Tourism and Lands Harin Fernando visited Arugam Bay, a popular destination among surfers globally and participated in a special stakeholder meeting at the Pottuvil Divisional Secretariat to discuss and find solutions to issues in the area. The Minister chaired the meeting, which was attended by Ampara District Member of Parliament D. Weerasinghe, Sri Lanka Tourism Development Authority Chairman Priyantha Fernando, Director General Nalin Perera, Ampara District Secretary J M S Douglas, members of the Urban Development Authority, government officials, and hoteliers of Arugambay. The meeting focused significantly on urgent issues, such as restoring the beach affected by sea erosion at Whisky Point, the most popular location for surfing, land issues, and methods to enhance Arugam Bay’s appeal globally. While Minister Fernando instructed officials to take steps to resolve problems faced by the hoteliers. It was collectively agreed to work through short-term, midterm, and long-term solutions to the issues in Arugam Bay.

Taking part in the stakeholder meeting at the Pottuvil Divisional Secretariat.

Harin Fernando, Minister of Tourism and Lands, in conversation with people from Arugambay. Also present was D. Weerasinghe, Ampara District Member of Parliament.

Minister Harin Fernando was welcomed to Arugambay by A M Jaufer. Also present was D. Weerasinghe, Ampara District Member of Parliament.

Minister in discussion with D. Weerasinghe, Ampara District Member of Parliament; Nalin Perera, Director General, SLTDA; Priyantha Fernando, Chairman, SLTDA; and other officials. Also looking on is Abdul Raheem.

Minister Harin Fernando with Nalin Perera, Director General, SLTDA inspecting the plastic free ocean project Arugambay.

Minister observing the surf point.

Requests on several matters were handed over to the Minister.

Minister with Mathi K Parthipan & Glenda Parthipan; Upul Perera; Nalin Perera; and Kishendra Bandaranayake.

Minister with Mathi K Parthipan; Glenda Parthipan; and G P G Sandika Thushara, Owner of Mambo’s.

Mathi K Parthipan; Priyantha Fernando, Chairman, SLTDA; D. Weerasinghe, Ampara District Member of Parliament; Perumal Partheepan, Partner, Paper Moon Kudils; Minister Harin Fernando; Nalin Perera, Director General, SLTDA; A M Naleem, Partner, Arugambay Roccos; Glenda Parthipan; and Upul Perera.

Minister with Mathi & Glenda; and N. Sadha.