Hameedia launched the world’s first linen sarongs, which have a selvedge, giving a new lease of life to the traditional sarong.
Considered by many as comfort couture, the sarong, after capturing Hameedia’s interests was transfor-med into a world-class statement of fashion following a year-long trial.
A leading menswear designer in Sri Lanka, Fouzul Hameed, MD, Hameedia says, “These sarongs are unique since the entire fabric is woven into a sarong, which means there are neither joints nor hems. Yes, this is the world’s first sarong, which is born out of our abiding passion for creating latest trends for the sartorially savvy gentleman. Our sarongs are a combination of ease and elegance.”
The sarongs featured in the new Hameedia collection exude sophisti-cation and simplicity. As the sarongs are pre-washed, this offers extra comfort and come in clean-cut and refined elegant designs. The linen sarongs are available in 30 colours ranging from deeper hues to pastel shades.

The new sarongs are designed with versatility and are suited for day wear and smart casual, formal and festive wear. They can be worn with kurtha tops with either tunic, round or the standard collars. The styling methods comprise the pin tux, the embroidery and the laser cut-bonding.
The sarongs at Hameedia are available in ready-to-wear designs and is made-to-measure for that perfect fit and added personalised finish. Customers will also have the flexibility of mixing and matching colours and styles to achieve their perfect look.