Newly opened The Party Station is a one-stop party shop for all occasions that calls for celebration. It is where you can find ‘something for every celebration’. “The Party Station is aimed at catering to all party needs and having such a store has been my dream for a long time. Launching of the Party Station has made it a reality,” said Mitchelle I de Kretser, proprietor of The Party Station.
The Party Station is adept at creating the fitting party atmosphere and insists that every special occasion in life is a cause for celebration. The colourful station has the A to Z of party items covering every party need imaginable, including paper and plastic equipment, hall decorations, cake decorations, masks, flower arrangements, toys and much more.
Be it for a theme party, bachelorette party, wedding, Mardi Gras, Summer party, graduation or easter, The Party Station is ever-ready to meet the demands of versatile festive needs. True to her upbeat and vibrant persona, Mitchelle, emphasised that she encourages every Sri Lankan to celebrate every occasion.
Faiszer Musthapha and Rifa Musthapha, Chief Guests at the launch were among the well-wishers who shared their positive feedback on the newly opened shop. Guests were quick to comment on the vibrant and lively interiors and the convenience of chosing from a versatile selection.
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