Tudawe Trading Company has recently supplied BeachTech ‘walk-behind’ engine driven beach cleaning machines to holiday resorts in the Maldives.
Manufactured in two models—the Beach Tech Hydro-Sweepy and Beach Tech Sweepy- Mechanical facilitate easy maintenance of small beaches. The Hydro-Sweepy fitted with hydraulic controls permits smooth and easy operation and the Sweepy Mechanical, with mechanical control paves the way for effective beach cleaning at lower investment costs.
Beach Tech Sweepy beach cleaners use quality SUBARU Japanese 4-stroke petrol engines that ensure quietness of operation. BeachTech beach cleaners are now being used in Sri Lanka, Maldives, India, South-East Asia, Europe and the Americas.
Tudawe Trading Company is the sole distributor in Sri Lanka for the Maldives for BeachTech machines having beach cleaning capacities ranging from 4,000 to 30,000 sq.m/Hr.